07534 498433

You have the right to a cleaner and fresher start

Please get in touch for a FREE initial 30 minute consultation:

07534 498433


Is your record causing more harm than good?

Under Article 17 of the UK GDPR individuals have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the 'right to be forgotten'. The right only applies to data held at the time the request is received. It does not apply to data that may be created in the future.

Article17 is a trading name of ArticleSeventeen Limited: founded by Kevin@article17.org and Karyn@article17.org in December 2022, to provide a service to those who wish to receive support in having records about them updated; removed; erased and/or forgotten in digital form.

Article17 will systematically and collaboratively work with you, probation, the police, child services and social media platforms to help you be your best self going forward, and to give you every reasonable chance of a more fulfilling and successful future.


Kevin Breedon; Founder

In November 2022 someone requested a Clare's law disclosure on myself, and what was disclosed to that person was a 'bad read' to say the least.

The fact that the disclosure included misinformation; false allegations etc was in itself bad enough, but the fact that it was provided to someone who had wrong intentions and onwardly shared (more later as this is an offence) created a significant impact on me, my mental health, my reputation and relationships with family and friends were damaged.

To make matters worse, the recipient chose to share information with children (under 18); his interpretation included sensationalism; lies and misinterpretations. It is very sad to know that a child, close to me and those I love, can never 'unhear' that information.

More emotional and psychological damage has been created than any safeguarding intentions can possibly have meant.

However, I still value the Clare's Law and Sarah's Law intent and purpose and have no doubt that many potential offences have been avoided.

Now for the interesting parts of my story:

  • I have NEVER been convicted of Domestic, Sexual or Child abuse

  • The recipient of the information was provided with disclosures that included false allegations of rape and domestic violence

  • The recipient was provided with his disclosure before the same was afforded to my partner

  • He was allowed to make "accurate and contemporaneous notes" of the disclosure; my partner was NOT allowed to make notes

  • He was allowed to share the disclosures to his common law partner; my partner was NOT allowed to share anything with me OR anyone else, even to seek some support

  • He served my partner with 24 hours' notice of an emergency Child Arrangements order (which he was afforded 7 days to prepare for) and my partner's children were removed from her care forthwith

NB; the Judge made the 'right decision, with the information he was given'; he was given sensationalised and inaccurate information relying on Google searches; an inaccurate OASys Probation report and the Applicant's personal interpretation of the disclosures made to him by the police

  • As part of the Court application, I then, and only then found out that I was on MARAC based on false allegations - we are working collaboratively about having this removed via the relevant services

  • The police, when disclosing to him, failed to take account of the fact that he himself had previously been the subject of a Non-Molestation Order; Occupational Order and an arrest for harassment, by him on my partner

  • If she had been provided with the initial disclosure ahead of him she would have had the chance to share her own experiences of domestic and sexual violence and had a chance to mitigate the risks of the fallout

  • The police have since confirmed that he has onwardly and over-shared the disclosure details - which is an offence and remains under investigation by the police

  • The police have since confirmed, in writing, that he lied to a 15 year old by stating that the Detective told him that I was "the most dangerous and violent domestic abuser he has ever met'

  • The children involved have been told by him that they are likely to be raped and stabbed if they are returned to the care of their mother, my partner

  • The police; child services; the Court; probation and CAFCASS are now all actively working with me and my partner - we made complaints that the process put my partner and her children in actual harm's way of reputational; emotional and psychological damage

In four weeks we made significant updates to all social media and police and probation records that now clearly show that I am at NO risk to my partner or her children. If we had carried out that exercise sooner, then the drama that was subsequently inflicted on us all could have been avoided.

On a personal note, at our wedding on Christmas Eve 2022, my partner had no friends or family in attendance; because of their concerns about me and our relationship and the removal of the children.

She has been unfairly discriminated against by misinformation about my past and the actions of a vengeful and controlling ex-husband.

But her love for me and us as a couple has led me to set-up in business under Article17 and I have started to study for a law degree !

As a mother of three beautiful children, who she wholly prioritises, she is committed to family-life and she intends that that includes me.

The child sex offender disclosure scheme, sometimes called 'Sarah's Law', allows parents, carers or guardians to formally ask the police for information about a person who has contact with their child, or a child close to them, if they're concerned the person may pose a risk.

Clare’s Law is officially known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS). The scheme was named after Clare Wood, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 2009. After years of campaigning by Clare’s father and family, the scheme was introduced in 2014. Under the DVDS, you can apply to the police to determine if your current or ex-partner has a history of domestic violence. This “Right to Ask” also allows you to ask on behalf of a person you think may be at risk, including a neighbour, close friend or family member.

Article17 is a trading name of ArticleSeventeen Limited, a company registered in the UK, company number 14542056. Privacy policies and more are being written but standard policies expect to be upheld.